Here it is now, our new website. Current, responsive and hopefully also interesting. We have taken a lot of time with the conversion from the 13 years older system to the current technology and will continue to work on many details. We are looking forward to your opinions and suggestions.
The most successful German-Turkish media company in Germany is METROPOL FM, there is no doubt about that. How else can the listenership rate of over 50% or a WHK of over 76% be explained? Nevertheless, the station is endeavouring to adjust its profile and its music programme better to the wishes of its listeners and has commissioned BEYS to develop a music survey as part of a promotion campaign and to carry it out nationwide.
For one month, a METROPOL FM branded minibus was on the road in the METROPOL FM broadcasting areas. More than 1,300 listeners listened to a selection of songs with headphones over tablets and rated them immediately. The interactivity and the support of moderators during the campaigns created a great atmosphere during the campaign. Now is the time for a careful evaluation of the results to further increase the connection to METROPOL FM.
We see solid communication in all areas as the basis for a happy life together and have used every opportunity in the past 20 years to support extraordinary projects with this goal. Among other things, our learning campaigns for the Robert Bosch Foundation and the election campaigns for the Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung) have provided important impetus and promoted better cooperation.
Of course, we have also successfully helped a large number of brands to increase their sales, and have never been interested in rapid success. In this context, too, sustainable communication is the best way to reach customers.
We are looking forward to the next 20 years and would like to thank all our customers for the trust they have placed in us.
Congratulations on the founding of NETU, the independent competence center for Turkish business in Berlin, Germany and Europe. As a mediator between business, politics and the public, the association plays a key role at important interfaces of our society. The combination of professionalism, committed members and an extensive network makes NETU a strong and unique partner.
BEYS has been a partner and member of NETU for many years and welcomes the new orientation of the association from a local actor to a Europe-wide organized association which claims the representation for all Turkish entrepreneurs in Europe.
BEYS has also drawn the new corporate design and developed association brochures that meet the new requirements.
New edition: The successful and multilingual election brochure „Du hast die Wahl – Seçim senin“ is back!
In cooperation with the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb), we present the new edition of „Du hast die Wahl – Seçim senin“ after 2009 and 2011. The information brochure provides naturalised citizens with the necessary know-how for the Bundestag elections and provides important information about the elections.
Information about the voting system in Germany in the immigrant languages Turkish, Russian, Polish and Arabic, always in tandem with German.
A visit to the website is worthwhile, as the information brochures in the respective language versions are available here for free download as PDF files.
Younger, more dynamic, more attractive and more digital was the motto of the new brand identity for Lifecell, which belongs to Telekom Deutschland Multibrand. As lead agency, BEYS is responsible for the communication strategy and develops the new brand for the German market.
Lifecell got off to an excellent start in the market, and the profile of the new brand is taking on ever sharper contours. The intensive brand work is supported by innovative products on the customer side and also generates lively interest among other target groups that were not previously the focus of the brand. Our full-page ads in the complete edition of BILD surprised the rather ethnic prepaid market very much, and we look forward to many more surprises in the coming months.
After BEYS won an agency competition in early 2016, the team around Burhan Gözüakca developed a far-reaching communication strategy in which the YAYLA brand uncompromisingly focuses on the needs of mothers.
The campaign is unusual for the entire industry and marks a new start for YAYLA’s customer relations. Burhan Gözüakca from BEYS „Of course, we’re not the first to put mothers at the centre of communication, but we don’t make use of tired stereotypes and focus our activities as strongly as hardly any other food brand has dared to do before“.
New TV spot
The campaign will start with an elaborate 66-second TV spot in which the secret of YAYLA’s success will be revealed. During a factory tour, various test stations in the company are shown, which are supervised by YAYLA mothers. The casting show for dairy cows is just one of the extraordinary ideas that are supposed to represent the care of the mothers in a witty exaggeration.
The spot will be broadcast from 30 October 2016 on all relevant Turkish TV stations in Europe and will be accompanied by online activities and various PoS measures.
Is it really a sin for online products to force offline activities? No, definitely not. Within a few weeks, the BEYS team managed to massively expand Western Union’s presence at hundreds of locations in Berlin and Hamburg.
Tens of thousands of new contacts are thus activated for the company to which there is otherwise no access. The successful concept promises to be a long-running success and will be further refined and expanded by BEYS.
The 25-second film, shot in Berlin, amuses the Turkish friends with the attempts at engagement and reflects an important part of the culture even in conservative households.
KATJES Jelatinsiz Keyif (Deutsche Untertitel)
Die im Auftrag der Robert Bosch Stiftung und METROPOL FM Anfang 2012 durchgeführte erfolgreiche Bildungskampagne „Lernen macht stark! / Öğrenmek güç verir!’ wurde auch dieses Jahr fortgeführt.
BEYS entwickelte eine integrierte Kampagne mit einer zweisprachigen Aktionsbroschüre, diesmal in einem Magazin-Format rund um das Thema Erziehung, Medien und Freizeit. Im Rahmen der Kampagne wurden bundesweit in über 20 regionalen Zeitschriften sowie Zeitungen mehr als 50 Anzeigen mit
Erziehungstipps von Prominenten geschaltet. Zusätzlich wurde dieses Jahr die Kampagne durch Social Media Aktionen wie Webbannern auf türkischen Webseiten, Twitter-Accounts und auf Facebook bekannt gemacht.
Umfangreiche TV- und Radiosendungen, die jeweils wöchentlich ein Thema behandelten, waren auch dieses Jahr einer der wichtigsten Säulen der Bildungskampagne.
Zum sechsten Mal wurde in diesem Jahr die „Berliner Tulpe für den deutsch-türkischen Gemeinsinn“ verliehen. Ausgezeichnet wurden Strohhalm e. V. mit dem Projekt „Heroes – Gegen Unterdrückung im Namen der Ehre“, das Muslimische Seelsorge Telefon (MuTeS), die DITIB Sehitlik Türkisch-Islamische Gemeinde zu Neukölln e.V. und Kiezboom e. V. mit dem Projekt „Drück den Knopf-Kampagne für mehr Zivilcourage“. In Vertretung des Regierenden Bürgermeisters überreichten Dilek Kolat, Senatorin für Arbeit, Integration und Frauen, und Dr. Lothar Dittmer Vorstand der Körber-Stiftung die Preise im Großen Saal des Roten Rathauses.
Die Initiatoren sind Metropol FM, die Senatskanzlei Berlin, die BWK GmbH, die Werkstatt der Kulturen und die BEYS marketing & media GmbH. Über die Preisvergabe hatte eine Jury mit Vertretern aus der Berliner Wirtschaft, Politik, Wissenschaft und Kultur unter dem Vorsitz des Integrationsbeauftragten von Berlin, Günter Piening, entschieden. Schirmherr ist der Regierende Bürgermeister von Berlin.
Mit einer umfangreichen Datenerhebung gibt die IHK erstmals umfassend Auskunft über Exportmärkte und ausländische Business Communities in Berlin. Im Unternehmensheft Internationale Wirtschaft in Berlin kann man anhand aktueller Studienergebnisse einsehen, wie Berlin mittlerweile nicht nur eine internationale Metropole ist, sondern diesen Status immer mehr ausweitet. Im Kapitel „Die Türkei und Berlin im Geschäft“ repräsentiert Burhan Gözüakca mit der Agentur BEYS marketing & media ein vorangehendes Beispiel für die erfolgreiche Beratung türkischer oder deutscher Unternehmen, die im jeweils anderen Land Marketing betreiben. Eine italienische Großbank mit türkischen Beteiligungen, eine Fluggesellschaft, die eine türkische und eine deutsche Mutter hat und die vielen anderen bekannten Marken im BEYS Portfolio zeigen, wie gut man sich von Berlin aus vernetzen kann.